Did you know how you feel, what you think, and the energy you show up with when eating has influence on how your body uses nutrients or doesn't? How it will digest the food? If it bloats you?
This is the dance of the "mind body" connection.
The energy field of the mind and your mental loops influence the body. With that awareness and knowledge you can do two things:
Let your mind run the show and just go along with it.
Become aware of your most dominant loops, keep the ones that serve you, and heal/change the story of those that do not serve you.
If you show up to what you do with a fear-based energy that is the exact energy you are infusing into what you do, your mealtimes, your interactions, behaviors, and so much more.
I always ask myself and clients this question: "Are you choosing (insert thing) out of fear of something or out of love for self?"
Perfectionism is often fear cloaked in a fancy costume, all dressed up, and pretending to be something other than what it truly is at it's core......FEAR.
If you show up to your healing journey or the optimizing your health/wellness inside the energy of perfectionism it could actually be creating more harm and keeping distance between what it is you are truly setting out to do or desire.
Your anchored beliefs inform your body, your cells, your organs, your energy, and the energy around you.
"Oh, if I eat this it will cause me to have or get (insert thing)"
"If I don't workout every single day then I will get (insert thing)"
"I don't know or believe if my body can heal itself."
"Ugh, I hate this food, but I must eat it because so and so said it's a superfood"
"I really dislike this meal, but if I want to hit my protein goals I need to eat it"
"Oh my gosh, I am so bad for eating this"
"This food is so bad for me."
"In order to heal I must do EVERYTHING perfectly, every single day without fail"
"I need to show up in this way or else others will view me as a failure"
"If I don't show up in this way, all the time, then what I'm doing isn't going to work."
Do any of these phrases sound familiar? Are you looping them? Thinking them often?
When we truly sit back, observe, and do not judge our thoughts we can come to a place of curiosity. Through that lense you can see your blind spots and begin to heal them and change the story.
Create NEW neural pathways. Stories you are actually aligned to.
Being afraid of foods, of not doing something day and in day out, falling off of a daily routine, only meditating for 10-min instead of 20-min, missing a day of morning sunlight, going to bed later than you'd like, eating something non-organic, and beating yourself up for not being PERFECT in your healing or health journey will actually create and cause more harm than good.
Do you ever wonder why some people live to the ripe, old age of 100-years old who say they drink a can of pop each day, eat fried foods, and eat sweets when they want and live a long happy, healthy life?
Health is subjective from one person to the next depending on their own awareness of level of what optimal health means to them.
Health is a state of BEING. Health is who are ARE.
Health is more than what you eat or how much your move your body.
Health is a state of awareness around the wholeness of self. All parts.
Release the idea that EVERYTHING must be done to perfection in order for it to work.
The energy you show up with is the energy you are infusing into whatever it is you are doing, saying, and being.
Are you showing up in the frequency of love or fear?
Are you running towards something or away from something with the things you choose to do?
Beneath perfectionism is a root. That root is what needs looked at, dismantled, healed, and re-written.
Perfectionism (in my opinion and experience) is nothing more than fear dressed up in some fancy disguise hoping you won't catch on.
Observe the thoughts. Identify where you hold perfectionistic views. (all or nothing energy) Get curious to "why".
Track the root. (woundings, conditionings, past lives, etc) Locate the "core fear" via the root. Start the healing process.
You are beyond capable of the all the self-healing and optimization of your health.
You are health. Health is you.
If you've never been told that then let me be the first to remind you. I tend to do that a lot around here. : )
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